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Water Pressure Project: Blessed and Stressed by Water in our Hollers

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The Appalachian mountains are blessed with abundant rain, but many people struggle to get water they can afford for their homes and businesses. Extreme weather events, such as floods and droughts, cause devastation and are becoming more frequent and unpredictable. All across our country people are concerned about the growing cost of water and sewage infrastructure. At present, millions of people lack access to good water and safe sewage services. When aging infrastructures need expensive repair, will those most in need get new resources?


In diverse places, people are coming together to take action to solve these problems of too much or too little water. New coalitions are forming among communities, and between communities, nonprofits, scholars, and government. Federal and state governments have funds available to improve water infrastructure. It is important that communities contribute to the design and implementation of plans, as communities have invaluable, first hand knowledge. Local residents know local realities - and - local residents have a direct stake in fair and affordable outcomes. When communities are ‘at the table’ when decisions are being made, they can help to craft solutions that work in diverse local contexts and work for a variety of stakeholders - especially those most vulnerable. 

The Water Pressure Project provides resources for local residents to come together to improve water and sewage systems to ensure that their communities and future generations have healthy, affordable, and dependable water, along with building resilience into water systems to withstand flooding and other extreme weather. The project also seeks to involve local residents in decision-making to ensure equitable solutions. Resources and convenings are provided for local documentation, community engagement, and regional knowledge exchange.


The Pacific Institute and Rural Community Assistance Partnership national research teams provide research and technical information documenting severe weather events and trends, and the impact of extreme weather events on water systems. Success stories from other regions are shared. The ultimate goal is to make sure community perspectives are included in the design and implementation of plans to improve water and sewage infrastructure. By addressing the water needs of these underserved communities, LiKEN Knowledge hopes to improve the health and well-being of the residents, and promote sustainable development in the region.

Cover of Issue Brief including a map of Appalachian sub-regions

Climate Change and Flooding in Central Appalachia

The authors present the observed and projected impacts of climate changes in Central Appalachia with a focus on increased extreme precipitation events and flooding on rural water systems and sanitation.

Screenshot of Community Engagement Guide with a backdrop of people sitting around a table working together

Community Engagement Guide

This guide is created especially for people seeking to improve their water and wastewater systems - especially addressing issues that arise from increasing extreme weather events - no matter what level of knowledge or involvement they have. It includes information and tips on gathering people together to work for positive change in their communities, such as steps to engage and mobilize your community, planning for a community meeting, questions to ask of your water and wastewater systems, a glossary, definitions, and sources for more information.

Screenshot of report cover, including the title and a photo of a wrecked vehicle upside down in a creek after a flood, with trash and torn up vegetation

Water and Climate Equity in Rural Communities in the United States

Produced by LiKEN and partners at Pacific Institute and Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP)

Screenshot of website with title, three buttons for "About the Toolkit" "Terms to Know" and "Directories & Resources" with a backdrop aerial photo of the city of Harlan, Kentucky

Harlan County Water Resilience Toolkit

This Water Resilience Toolkit is meant for Harlan County residents - especially addressing issues that arise from increasing extreme weather events - no matter what level of knowledge or involvement they have. Among the topics covered are the basics of how water is brought to your home and returns back to your environment. You can find out about the different types of water sources and water systems of Harlan County, and what stresses or even hinders their operation; what are the types of water pollution and how rising temperatures and extreme weather events impact water systems. We include information on who is in charge of the water quality of water, which are the responsibilities of those in charge, as well as the responsibilities of water ‘customers’, either businesses or households. Also included is information on who to call and what to do when something is wrong with your water, and what to do in case of climate-related water and wastewater emergencies.

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