Under LiKEN’s Water Climate Equity project, we are analyzing and synthesizing lessons learned from stakeholder listening sessions, using LiKEN’s Collaborative Coding & Analysis Dance, developed by our Commons Governance Fellow, Dr. Maria Bareli and other LiKENeers. Along with Community Engagement Coordinator Madison Mooney, Maria presented this ‘dance’ to Dr. Julie Maldonado’s class “Social Research for Social Change” at Future Generations University. This was a wonderful opportunity to inspire graduate students and open them up to the strengths and challenges of coding and analyzing as a collective ‘hive mind’. Our partners at Rural Community Assistance Partnerships (RCAP) and Pacific Institute (PI) presented our findings at the AWWA ACE conference June 10-13, 2024. Community Engagement Coordinators, McKensi and Madison, created a video to introduce and explain our new Community Engagement Guide for the conference that will soon be available online.
The Mountain Drinking Water Project continues to collect samples from community scientists in Martin and Letcher counties. The sample collection period for the community scientists will come to a close in November 2024. The next goal of the Mountain Drinking Water Team is to work on individual report backs for the community members who have been collecting samples, along with full community report backs for each county.