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Rising Voices: Climate Resilience Spring 2024 Recap

A large group gathers o

The 12th Annual Rising Voices Workshop was held at the NSF-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, from May 6-8, 2024. The theme, "Co-creating Research, Policy, Practice, and Action: The Rising Voices of Indigenous Peoples and Partners in Earth Systems Science," brought together a diverse group of participants to learn from where we’ve been and to grow into where we’re going. The workshop brought participants together to consider:

  • How can we work to better advance science and remove the boundaries between science and society?

  • How can we  create innovative partnerships among collaborators with diverse disciplinary and cultural backgrounds to support adaptive and resilient communities?

  • How can we  achieve culturally relevant and scientifically robust climate and weather actions?

Building on over a decade of recommendations, the event aimed to move from dialogue to actionable commitments, emphasizing relationship-building for successful collaborations. The work focused on developing adaptable guidelines and principles for place-based Earth systems science research and climate actions. The Rising Voices Workshop remains a cornerstone in weaving Indigenous knowledges and science with other Earth systems science to foster culturally relevant and scientifically robust climate and weather actions.

The "Learning from Indigenous NCA Authors & Future Involvement Opportunities" webinar held on May 28, 2024, hosted by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP), in collaboration with Rising Voices, LiKEN, and the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), included about 90 participants in attendance. Allyza Lustig (USGCRP) gave an overview of NCA6 and announcements about upcoming opportunities, including the Call for Authors and Public Comments on the Draft Prospectus. Dr. Kyle Whyte (Univ. of Michigan, NCA5 Indigenous Peoples chapter lead author) shared about the history of engagement and Indigenous Peoples’ leadership  in previous NCAs. Melissa Watkinson-Schutten (Lotus Innovations & Rising Voices, NCA5 Social Systems & Justice chapter author) presented on the first tribal consultation in the context of an NCA and her experience as an author. Nikki Cooley (ITEP, NCA5 Human Health chapter author) shared about her authorship experience and challenges and recommendations for diverse author recruitment. LiKENeer Dr. Julie Maldonado (NCA5 Human Health chapter author) joined the group to share about visions for NCA6, including building off storytelling work done for NCA5, featuring video-interviews with Louisiana Tribal leaders working to uphold sovereignty and self-determination in their climate adaptation actions following hurricane damage.

The event fostered robust dialogue and engagement, including opportunities for participants to ask questions and engage with the speakers on their contributions to the National Climate Assessment and opportunities for involvement in NCA6.


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